Thursday 21 June 2012

Picnic at Hanging Rock

The novel by Joan Lindsay, 1967
Leaves, flowers and grasses glowed and trembled under the canopy of light; cloud shadows gave way to golden motes dancing above the pool where water beetles skimmed and darted.

Thursday 14 June 2012

I Sell My Dreams / Me alquilo para soñar

A short story by Gabriel  García Márquez , Strange Pilgrims, 1992

“In reality, that was her only trade. She had been the third of eleven children born to a prosperous shopkeeper in old Caldas, and as soon as she learned to speak she instituted the fine custom in her family of telling dreams before breakfast, the time when their oracular qualities are preserved in their purest form”.

Tuesday 12 June 2012

The South / El Sur

Jorge Luis Borges, 1953

“He saw unplastered brick houses, long and angled, timelessly watching the trains go by; he saw horsemen along the dirt roads; he saw gullies and lagoons and ranches; he saw great luminous clouds that resembled marble; all these things were accidental, casual, like dreams of the plain”.

Saturday 2 October 2010

Valley of the Dolls

The 1966 novel by Jacqueline Susann

Then she felt it! Oh, God! It was glorious! Her whole body felt weightless . . . her head was heavy, yet light as air. She was going to sleep . . . sleep . . . oh, the beautiful little red doll . . .

Monday 13 September 2010

Butterfly's Tongue / La Lengua de las Mariposas

A short story by Manuel Rivas

"Hello, Pardal. I'm hoping this year we'll finally get to see the butterfly's tongue."

Monday 26 October 2009


A short story by Juan Rulfo

"Estoy sentado junto a la alcantarilla aguardando a que salgan las ranas."

Friday 23 October 2009

East Wind

A short story by Julian Barnes.

"From a window table, he now looked out across a strip of concrete to damp shingle, a bored sky, and a lifeless sea. That was the east coast: for months on end you got bits of bad weather and lots of no weather. This was fine by him: he’d moved here to have no weather in his life."

This piece was commissioned by the Sunday Times Magazine to accompany the story.

Read the story here: